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Queensland Event Program

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Tether Race Car Association of Australia
Tether Race Car Association of Australia

Other Competitions

Tether car racing in Australia is not limited to competitions run just to achieve outright speed.
We have numerous competitions that are run throughout the year to accommodate all competitors and types of cars that are owned.
Below is a list of Queensland events with an explanation of how they are run.

Points Score - At the beginning of the season each competitor is to nominate one car that they will run for this competition throughout the year. this competition is run over 2 rounds in the afternoon. Each run must consist of 8 laps under the cars own power, excluding the horsing laps. Each competitor will recieve 1 point for attendance and 8 points for 8 laps under power. Maximum points achievable for the day is 17 points.


Percy Clarke Trophy - This is a nominated speed event run over 2 rounds.The object is to achieve a speed as close as possible to the speed you nominate before the event without going faster. Any car which exceeds the nominated speed is disqualified and excluded from the event.


Mcpherson Trophy - this is another nominated speed event, with the only difference being you can exceed your nominated speed.


Harry Ferguson Trophy - this competition is for 3.5cc M Class cars only.this is run over 2 rounds and the fastest car wins the day.


Old Timers day - this is another nominated speed event. This competition is run for non-piped and unsprung cars.


Toowoomba Trophy - the Toowoomba trophy is yet another nominated speed event.This event is run over only 1 round and you must not only be the closest to your nominated speed, but also exceed the speed. Any car that runs slower will be excluded from the results.


Club Champion- The club champion is the person who has accumulated the most points for competitions throughout the year. Each driver is awarded points for their highest placed car at any one competition.

Points will be awarded as follows:-
1st - 9 points
2nd - 6 points
3rd - 4 points
4th - 3 points
5th - 2 points
6th - 1 point



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